What I Have Learned in NTFM Class.


So I have come to the end of my first blog and the question remains; What have I learned from my NTFM class?

First off, I learned what a blog really was and how to create one. Before this class I had an idea what blogging was all about but I had no idea about the vast amount of companies that actually have blogs to help with their marketing. With the rise of social media in recent years, online marketing has become huge and most major and local companies have some form of online presence, be it Facebook, Twitter or a blog.

Prior to my NTFM module I had not studied online marketing in depth and I have to say I have really enjoyed it, in fact NTFM was probably my favourite class this semester! I believe I have learned a lot of relevant material in this class that will help me in my future career – such as how to manage a blog, how to use LinkedIn and Pinterest and also how to interact with potential clients through the use of social media. With the growth of social media marketing and the predicted future growth I think that as Marketing students this subject should be compulsory to us for the entirety of the degree as it will be vital for us to have in-depth knowledge of social media marketing when we graduate.

Another thing I have learned from the NTFM class is that TED talks are actually interesting! The prospects of a 20 minute talk seems daunting at the beginning of a class but I found that the time flew and I both enjoyed the talks and learned something from them – I even found myself watching TED talks on Youtube outside of class time! This is my favourite TED talk so far – I had never thought about the concept of filter bubbles and I found this talk extremely interesting.

So as my social media blog comes to an end I have to say, I am going to miss blogging! So who knows? You might see me in the future running the blog of a multinational company and it will be all thanks to this NTFM module:) So to all my readers and followers, thank you! You’ve made my blogging seem worthwhile.

I will be posting a video here shortly on Guinness’ use of social media. I hope you all enjoy it, goodbye for now!

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